Wow! time certainly goes by fast. It has been a really long time since I last posted on this blog. In that time Scotty and I have downsized and settled into our newest home and really love it. A lovely gated community where we feel safe and aren't afraid to leave the garage door open for a time without the contents disappearing. A perfect place for a couple of proud grand parents. It was not easy to give up my beautiful Jeff Click Home but the stairs just got higher and higher as I got older and older. Even harder was giving up my ducklings and the wild life around the lake. But things change and we move on.
I still work part time but I work from home and have ample time for reading, gardening and enjoying my arts and crafts. I have re-discovered the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Library and find that a good book is just a click or two away. No excuses for not reading.
Scotty built me a couple of raised gardens to make it easy on my back.
We still have our lake home and always look forward to sunny weather and kids and grand kids fishing and having fun on the water.
That about brings me up to date on living life so with that said I hope to be posting more often and sharing some wonderful Art from my daughter Jamee and my grandson Justin as well as a little of my own slap stick art. I also want to tell you about some of the talented artists that I follow on line and I hope you will enjoy the adventure.
Frank’s Red Hot Sauce Recipes
15 hours ago